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Carnival Zero

Third person shooter survival game that you must try to survive the waves of zombies invading an amusement park. · By JCapelletto


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Recent updates

CarnivalZero v1.0
In this version we made some code improvements of many small things, we also added: - A new version of the Clown as a mini boss; - An introductory comic; We als...
1 file
CarnivalZero v0.8
In this new version our team applied some visual modifications and effects, some bug fixes from hitboxes and added new enemies, new shop with two weapons and re...
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Small fix update
Updated the downloadable build to: - Fix a bug that would make enemies get stuck on the scenario...
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Small fix update
Updated the downloadable build to: - Fix a bug that would let the player go outside of the park...
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Published prototype
This is the first test prototype of our game, we uploaded it so we can collect feedback and improve it. For everyone that tests our game if possible, after play...
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Last post
Gostei bastante do jogo, parabéns, a ideia e o estilo do jogo é bem divertido e com certeza é um bom passatempo! Abai...
started by isaiasvallejos May 26, 2017
1 reply
-No menu os textos continuam abertos quando troca de opção. -Falta uma tela de carregamento antes de iniciar o jogo, p...
started by FernandoSalmon May 27, 2017
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